Julie sent me this self designed postcard for the professionally printed RR group. Last winter was so long that she used brightly coloured photos of flowers to make this Rainbow Card. I love that each shows just a small amount of each plant so that you are still guessing what it might be.
Many thanks for the postcard.
Trisha sent me these two postcards from Hawaii. I'd forgotten that the Nene Goose is the State Bird of Hawaii - I recently visited Slimbridge where they have a small flock which I believe is part of a captive breeding program for the species. It's a shame that most native species are extinct because of non-natives, but hopefully the Nene will continue to survive.

Apparently this view is not a typical Hawaiian beach, despite what the holiday brochures say! Behind where this photo was taken is a busy street lined with hotels and stores!
Many thanks for the postcards and the information!

Joy sent me this impressive waterfall postcard of Upper Yosemite Falls. She lived near here a few years ago, but has more recently visited Yellowstone NP, which makes me very jealous! Apparently the weather near Yosemite is very good. One day I hope to tour the National Parks of the USA and see some of the wildlife that makes its home here (particularly wolves and bears!)
Thanks for the postcard!
Elena sent me this stunning postcard showing Monument Valley in Nevada. I remember watching western films as a child and thinking that this was just a really impressive set. On day, I'd love to visit it, but only in the winter - does that exist in Nevada? I don't do well in hot temperatures!
Thanks for the postcard!
(No date)
Keith sent me this Western Meadowlark postcard, which is the State Bird of Kansas. He has them roosting in the trees in his garden. According to the information, they are easily identifiable because of the bright plumage on their breasts, but the back is well camouflaged for when it is sitting on the nest in tall grass. They also eat spiders and seeds.
Many thanks for the postcard - another State Bird for my collection!
Denise sent me this postcard showing an American Robin family, the State Bird of Michigan. This state shares a border with Canada so has lots of different birds in the different habitats. Denise is considering buying some feeders and a guidebook to help her identify the birds that she sees.
Thanks for the postcard.
Lloydene sent me this view of her hometown, Sacramento. It looks like a nice mix of old and new buildings and it reminds me a little of the National Mall and Capitol Hill in DC.
Thanks for the postcard.
Carey sent me this facts postcard about Alabama. The highest peak there is almost 1,000 feet lower than Snowdon, so I guess it is a mostly flat State? Also curiously, your Yellowhammer appears to be a Woodpecker species, whereas ours is a type of Bunting.
Thanks for the postcard.
Morgan sent me this postcard showing the State Bird of Louisiana - the Pelican! She loves watching the birds as they dive into the water to catch fish with their huge beaks.
Thanks for the postcard.
Elena confesses to being an owl lover! She visited a Bird of Prey centre and really enjoyed watching the owls flying above the crowds heads. And last weekend she spotted an owl in her local Botanical gardens. It was hiding in a palm tree and was probably trying to find a nice quiet place for a snooze but attracted lots of attention from other owl fans. Being small, cute and fluffy, I'm not surprised! You're lucky to have seen one - I often hear them in the woods but very rarely see them.
Thanks for the postcard.
Katherine sent me this lovely sunset over Florida. She is currently living and studying in Alabama but grew up in Florida so spent the summer here. Unfortunately, the summer break is never long enough and she is sad to have to leave soon.
Thanks for the postcard, and I'm sure you'll be back again soon.
I received my first map card from Courtney via the "On my way to..." tag. She bought this from Toronto airport on her way to Germany, where she will soon be moving to! She sounds very excited at all the changes, and is preparing by learning German.
Thanks so much for the card, and I hope the move goes well!
Although Hummingbirds do not live in Texas, they do migrate through the state, where Michelle lives. She says that they can be very territorial around feeders or specific flowers. She once had a feeder on her patio and one morning she decided to have her coffee outside, much to the agitation of the hummingbird, who hovered right in front of her until she went back in the house! I'm a bit jealous, as they are amazing little birds!
Thanks so much for the postcard and the story, it made me smile at the pluckiness of these tiny birds.
Sir Mooshi von Litchenstein sent me this lovely self portrait in accompaniment to his latest diary entries. For such a young cat, he has already travelled to many US cities and it would appear that he gets up to all sorts of mischief.
I'm sure your "captors" aren't so bad and that you would miss "cuddle time" if they ignored you.
Thanks for the update - I look forward to the next one!
Another bird postcard from Kat, this time using one of the many TAG threads on Couchsurfing. She says that Florida is full of wild animals like alligators, as well as plenty of birds like cranes and gulls. This is a Florida Egret which share their home with the many people who also live and holiday in this area. It's somewhere I've always wanted to visit, maybe on my next trip across the pond!
Thanks for the postcard and the info.
Kat sent me this postcard of a Cardinal. She talks about her favourite TV shows The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. I don't watch much TV these days but have borrowed GoT from my brother so I'll get round to watching that soon.
Thanks for the postcard.
Tyler runs "A Postcard for You" which is a group on Facebook where he sends out postcards from his travels to anyone who requests one. Seeing his post about a visit to North Carolina, I decided to ask for one, and this certainly highlights the "natural beauty" of the State. I remember falling in love with NC in 2005 on a school trip, and really must get back there for a visit one day!
Thanks so much for the postcard and for reminding me how beautiful NC is!
Deanna sent me this lovely postcard of a Roseate Spoonbill as part of a Round Robin. During the 1900s the feathers were popular in womens fashion and during the 1930s the population in Florida was almost extinct. Thankfully, they are now flourishing in Florida, Louisiana and Texas, where there are important breeding grounds. And yes, Ajaja ajaja is an amazing Latin name for a bird!
Thanks so much for this postcard, and I look forward to more swaps in the future!
Gosh! I thought my Loon card was my favourite bird postcard, but it may have been beaten by this amazing Tufted Puffin! Fiona is a keen birder and sometimes visits an island off the coast of Maine where you can photograph Atlantic Puffins, Razorbills and "Murres" (We call them Guillemots!) She tried to see some Atlantic Puffins off Scotland a few years back but the bad weather meant the boat couldn't go. Tufted Puffins are found on the West Coast of the US, so she hasn't actually seen one yet, but did spot a Heermann's Gull on a trip to LA recently (I'm not a Gull fanatic, but having googled it, I'm slightly jealous!)
Thanks so much for the swap and I hope we can continue to share our birding experiences.
I've always had a soft spot for Loon, so was very happy to see this postcard waiting for me after my trip! But what made it even more special was the Bird stamps on the back! Minnesota has the Common Loon, Mississippi has the Mockingbird, Missouri has the Eastern Bluebird, Montana has the Western Meadowlark and Michigan has the Robin (not our one though!). And no US bird card would be complete without the Bald Eagle!

Thanks so much for the gorgeous card and stamps - you may have started something now!
I love this dancing Snowy Egret! Deanna says that her parents have egrets visiting their pasture near Galveston and she loves watching them walk. Apparently "they stick their heads out and their body catches up" - from my own observations of herons in the UK, this is a very good way to describe how they walk!
Thanks so much for the postcard and the description (I'll certainly be using that in the future!)
Arnold sent me this State Bird card showing a Cardinal in Virginia. I remember when I was a child I didn't believe that a bird could be that bright red colour, and probably only truly believed it when I saw some in Pennsylvania at summer camp! Amazing little birds, but I'm intrigued by your Hawaiian Goose...
Thanks for the postcard, with some info about the state on the back.
I've always wanted to visit Kentucky, and I must admit, that this is the reason I want to visit! Tyler says that he has never been to the Red Mile racetrack (which I have heard of!) but his brother has and he won one time!
Thanks so much for the card, and I hope we can continue sharing our postcard news on facebook.
This lovely night shot of Nashville was sent to me by Brittany. She says the best thing about Nashville is the friendly people, and that the music is great too (even though she doesn't like country music!)
Thanks for the postcard and I hope you enjoy your visit to Ireland later this year.
Makayla sent me this lovely postcard of a Western Meadowlark, my first State Bird card! It's quite humbling that a state which includes Yellowstone NP and Devils Tower chose such a small bird, but I've heard that their song is amazing.
Thanks for the insight into these rather pretty little birds.
I received this postcard from Victoria, as a TAG from Postcrossing. It shows Paul Revere's House in Boston. According to Victoria, he was famous for his role as a patriot in the American Revolution, and there is a poem written about him called "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere".
Thanks for the postcard and the interesting fact.
I got this awesome postcard of NYC during a lightning storm from Yuting. I love storms, but would hate to be up there during this storm! Very scary, but impressive!
Thanks so much for this different postcard of a familiar city.
This is not the first US postcard I have received, but it is the first of 2014, since I started exchanging postcards, and was the first "direct swap" using postcrossing.
Captain Soul sent me this gorgeous postcard of waterfalls from Oregon. I love waterfalls, but have never seen any like these, particularly Multnomah Falls on the left! Stunning!
Massive thanks for the awesome postcard!